We kindly ask you to fill out the form below as completely and as accurately as possible
Company Name
Position at company: AdministratorGeneral DirectorPurchasing DirectorOther
If other, please specify:
First name
Last name
Job title
Describe your position within the company
E-mail* *please make sure that you introduce your direct email as we will send all the communications to this email address
Mobile phone to contact at the fair
Postal Code
Phone number
Level of purchasing responsibility Decision makerDecision maker together with othersSuggestion makerNot involved in purchasing decision
Main activity of your company
FOOD AND BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTION Great modern distribution (Super/Hypermarkets)Hard DiscountWholesalerCentral Purchasing AgencyTraditional storeGourmet StoreDistributorManufacturerImport / ExportOther If other, please specify
HORECA RestaurantCollective / Food ServiceFast FoodCateringHotelBar/CoffeeDiscoBakery / PastryRepresentative of Hospitality equipmentDistributor of Hospitality equipmentEquipment manufacturerImport / ExportOther If other, please specify
TECHNOLOGY FOR FOOD PROCESSES AND INDUSTRY Representative for food machineryDistributor for food machineryMachinery Import / ExportDistributor of commercial equipmentOther If other, please specify
Number of employees Under 10 employeesFrom 11 to 50 employeesFrom 51 to 250 employeesFrom 251 to 500 employeesOver 500 employees
Purchase volume in 2017 (Euros) Less than 50.000Between 50.000 and 100.000Between 100.000 and 500.000Between 500.000 and 1 millionsBetween 1 and 5 millionsBetween 5 and 10 millionsBetween 10 and 50 millionsBetween 50 and 100 millionsMore than 100 millions
Which percentage of your purchase volume does refer to imported products?
Which percentage of your import volume does refer to Portugal?
Water, juices and sodas Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Beer Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Wine and Spirits Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Meat Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Delicatessen Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Preserves and semi-preserves (fish, vegetables and others) Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Fresh fruits and vegetables Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Olive oil Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Dairy products Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Bakery, confectionery, biscuits and sweets Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Fish and seafood products Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Gourmet products and regional specialities Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Biological products Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Functional and diet products Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
General food products (rice, pasta, coffee, sauces, etc) Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Frozen, refrigerated and pre-cooked products of meat Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Frozen, refrigerated and pre-cooked products of fish Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Frozen, refrigerated and pre-cooked products of vegetables Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Frozen, refrigerated and pre-cooked products others Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
If other, please specify
Hotel, restaurants, bars and bakery equipment Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Cleaning and Hygiene Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Furniture and decor Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Table and menage Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Textiles (uniforms, bed, table and bath) Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Technology and services for hospitality Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Vending Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Others Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Machinery and equipments for food industry Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Machines for filling and packaging Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Raw materials and food additives Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Services to industry and trade Products you sell/importProducts of your interest for Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa
Countries or areas where you SELL
North America
Latin America
Is this your first visit to Alimentaria&Horexpo Lisboa? No, I have visited previous editionsYes, it will be my first visit
What is your main reason for attending Alimentaria&Horexpo Lisboa and take part in the Hosted Buyers Program?
If you wish, you can add here any additional information about your company that you consider of interest